Wombology ~ Yogalife Greenlake - Seattle
Saturday October 5th ~ (1st Saturday of each month!)

Yogalife Studio ~  7200 Woodlawn Ave NE Seattle, Washington 98115

Calling all body conscious movers and groovers! We’ll be ecstatically and contact improvisationally rolling around with blindfolds on a large, thick and SUPER soft squishy floor with extended tactile course and movement zones for additional layers of creative movement exploration and fun at our new regular location at Yogalife in Greenlake! Don't miss this special evening of mystical fluid free form movement and sacred flow !!

Invocateur ~ Et'han Clarkmoore

We'll set intentional heart space and have some fun warm up activities before diving into 3 rounds of nonverbal, nonsexual, sightless worming, rolling and swimming through a sightless somatic wonderland of co-creation.

Some do contact improv, acro, yoga, crawl, sit, lay, roll, dance, explore, move, be and generally have an awesome time in the blindfield with an emphasis on slow motion ~ flow ~ and beautiful movement.

Wombology is the new Yoga!

You don’t have to be experienced as we keep velocity slow and kinetically low --> slow and low. With sighted monitors for safety and boundary assertion techniques we build trust and have a whole heap of awesome fun!

We'll have the opportunity to share and hear different perspectives of the experience between rounds so we can learn and connect deeper with being part of a collective sharing conscious co-creative movement.

Our dynamic music set includes Random Rab, Phaeleh and Subaqueous (Isaac Cotec) who's liquid ~ like grooves are designed to undulate the underside of our inner ocean and ecstatically ease our neural pathways into BLISS ~ as we seek to hold space for whatever our co-creative minds can devise in the way of movement and creative curiosity.

By creatively crafting new pathways through consciousness with honor, integrity and blindfolds we seek to help participants to be part of a greater evolving whole safely showing us light within and having fun. ~ YeaH ~ !

Important for those who participate to be fully present at the beginning to understand the techniques used to assert boundaries and respect the interconnected fabric we co-create as a collective. So please do not arrive later than 7:30pm so we may begin the ritual entry into the blindfield.

~ Welcome: 7pm ~ Intentional Circle ~ 3 Rounds ~ Closing Circle: 10pm

~ No late arrival for container integrity and boundary assertion techniques please.

~ What to BRING and WEAR ~

Bring comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement like yoga pants (no dresses or jeans)

No dangley bits, belt buckles or jewelry that may get caught on things.

Showering is preferred before coming and please come scent free for any who may have chemical sensitivities or random pet allergies. If you are sick or injured stay home and get well.

Blindfolds will be provided ;-)

~ $15ish CASH Donation @ Door ~ Space is limited

This will be a regular event the 1st Saturday of each month starting this October 5th!

Wombology has exceeded my expectations and lived up to my hopes. I look forward to sharing this fun movement technology with all of you co-creating perfect space for a magical flight no matter where you are coming from or where you are going.

Grab a blindfold, dive on in, interact creatively and have FUN!

Contact: Et'han Clarkmoore #425.249.1718 ~

Join the Wombology group and keep posted on more events:

For more Wombology info visit the website at: